I've loved both of Victoria Sweet's books so much, that I ordered a copy to keep while the library book was still in my house. (I had to transfer all my dog-ears). I read God's Hotel first, and I've just finished Slow Medicine. One of her stories about being a temporary doctor (filling a gap in a relatively… Read More
Month: March 2018

Mother Maria, On Startling Glimpses of God in Others
I'm just a few essays into The Essential Writings of Mother Maria Skobtsova, and I already heartily recommend it. It's on my reading list for 2018, because everything I'd heard about the life of Mother Maria from friends was terrifying and wonderful (one of my friends was chrismated in the Orthodox church with Maria as… Read More

I Was A Nine Year Old Stoic…
I reviewed several books of New Stoicism for Fare Forward, and discussed my own Stoic-influenced childhood. Here's an excerpt: I loved Stoicism for two reasons, one petty and one profound. I liked that Stoicism seemed to make me stronger (and, thus, to my thinking then, better) than other people. While the other kids were upset, I… Read More

Death and Dappled Hope: Meditations on Biden’s Memoir
Sustained by his family’s love and his love for them, Biden can carry the weight of tragedy and offer it as a gift to others. At the beginning of the book, he describes visiting the family of Wenjian Liu, a police officer murdered on duty, and offering the widow his personal phone number. He tells… Read More