These are my favorite books I read in 2020, listed in roughly chronological order. Nearly all of them were read as ebooks, many as library books, as I (initially) read with a sleeping newborn on my lap and (later) read standing up, ready to run to pluck our adventurous baby off the stairs. I rely… Read More
Month: December 2020

All Aboard the Generation Ship!
Nearly a year into the pandemic, I wrote an essay for Breaking Ground on how we can persist in hope by drawing on sci-fi stories of generation ships. A generation ship spans the wide gap of time between planets. No one aboard at the beginning of the journey expects to see the destination. They commit… Read More

Discussing Illiberal Feminism with Plough
I joined Susannah Black and Jennifer Frey for a discussion of Illiberal Feminism, hosted by Plough. The conversation was sparked, in part, by my article "Dependence," in Plough. Here's an excerpt from that piece: It always confuses me that illiberalism is taken as a belligerent ideology – both by its detractors and some of… Read More

Sing Out, America! An appreciation of Listening for America
One of my favorite books I read this year was Rob Kapilow’s Listening for America, a tour through the genius of American musical theater. I was delighted to get to write an appreciation for Fare Forward. Reading Kapilow took me one step further into appreciation. He has a gift for worked examples and teaches by rewriting… Read More

Searching for Other Feminisms
Gracy Olmstead and I had a conversation about the gaps in mainstream feminism for Mere Orthodoxy. I run a substack community, Other Feminisms, for sustained conversation on these topics. Gracy: My husband has struggled to get paternity leave, and experienced a lot of pushback when striving to carve out time to care for our children and… Read More