As America geared up for a wedding boom in the summer of 2022, I wrote about the obstacles that disrupt weddings and other communal rites of passage in non-covid times. No matter how stripped down the ceremony, people need to be able to plan travel. The people we love are too scattered for spontaneity. We… Read More
Month: May 2022

A Better Way to Debate Abortion
Shortly after the draft Dobbs decision leaked, I wrote a piece for America, reflecting on the time I invited friends to come to my house and have a better fight about abortion. In 2016, I opened my doors for what I expected would be the worst event I would ever host. In the wake of… Read More

Family Policy Can’t Be Gender Neutral
For Mother's Day, I wrote for Deseret on why gender neutral family policy tends to shortchange mothers. In an uneventful pregnancy, a mother will still have a harder timechan than her partner as she navigates fatigue, nausea and pain. Drawing attention to these difficulties can feel like letting other women down — if women carry… Read More