Books I Hope to Read in 2025

Pictured above are three of my big projects of 2024. I read The Power Broker over my maternity leave, I read Sr. Prudence Allen in the waning months of the year, and my baby I grew all year (in and ex utero). Not pictured, but also gestating last year is my own book The Dignity of Dependence, which will be out this fall.

I read 9/10 of my “to read” books for 2024. (One snuck in under the wire, finished the first week of January). Overall, I read 82 books / 26 thousand words. And I like to check how much out of the present I’m reading. Per Goodreads, my oldest reads were published in 1897 (Charlotte Mason’s Parents and Children), 1947 (The Dry Wood, by Caryll Houselander), and 1954 (Ellul’s The Technological Society). I’m going to notch something much older if I get through my planned 2025 reading!

I like to make this list as a way to choose what to prioritize in the coming year. I rarely read every book I choose to list, but I read many more than I would if I didn’t have them awaiting checkmarks. Technically, when I make this list, I am secretly choosing what I am prioritizing in the week between Christmas and New Years, when I tend to knock out one or two final books in a slightly rushed way. Ah well.

So, in alphabetical order, here’s what I hope to read this year: