Shortly after the draft Dobbs decision leaked, I wrote a piece for America, reflecting on the time I invited friends to come to my house and have a better fight about abortion. In 2016, I opened my doors for what I expected would be the worst event I would ever host. In the wake of… Read More
Tag: America

Government Should Fail More
At The Week, I have a reflection on watching SpaceX crash rockets with my daughter and the price we pay for expecting perfection in public policy. Musk's riches allow him to comfortably risk his money. But these more adventurous investments should be made by the government, too. I want to see more failures of government… Read More

Evangelization At America’s Largest Parish
"St. Matthew uses its ministries and activities to help parishioners find a smaller community within such a large church. Every one of St. Matthew’s groups is expected to hit three S’s: spiritual, social and service. That means that the pinochle group prays together before breaking out their decks and that members take a spot on… Read More

Diversity, Leaky Roofs, And Aging Priests: The Changing Catholic Church
"The Catholic Church in America is slowly catching up with its shifting flock. The recent classes of ordinands are more diverse and better mirror the multicultural populations they will serve; painful but necessary mergers and closures are taking place; and churches are opening and expanding in the South and the West. But if Catholic Parishes… Read More

Is Pope Francis a failure? Not so fast.
"Take a second and make a guess about how much participation in Lenten rituals has diminished for American Episcopalian or Lutheran millennials over the same period covered by CARA’s research. Ten percentage points? More? Less? I don’t know the answer, but I would be surprised if it is only Catholics that are falling away at… Read More